GUI for limma package

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-- A --

AboutCustomMenu Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
AboutLimmaGUI Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
AboutNormalization Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
addMenuItem Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package

-- B --

BChelp Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package

-- C --

ChooseContrastsParameterization Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
chooseDir Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
ChooseEbayesStatistic Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
ChooseParameterization Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
ChoosePlotSymbolByClicking Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
ChooseSpotType Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
ComputeContrasts Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
ComputeLinearModel Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
ComputeLinearModelFit Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
CopyGraph Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
CreateNewParameterization Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
CreateTreeAndList Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package

-- D --

DeleteContrastsParameterization Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
DeleteCustomMenuItem Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
deleteItemFromList Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
DeleteParameterization Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
DupCorBoxPlot Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package

-- E --

ebayesBoxPlots Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
evalRcode Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
ExportAvalues Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
ExportHTMLreport Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
ExportMvalues Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package

-- G --

GetBackgroundCorrectionMethod Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
GetCoef Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
GetComponentsToExportInHTMLreport Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
GetContrastsParameterizationName Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
GetContrastsParameterizationNames Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
GetCustomMenuItemNum Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
GetDEcutoff Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
GetDesignOrContrasts Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
GetGeneLabelsOptions Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
GetGenePixFlagWeightings Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
GetImageProcessingFileType Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
GetJpegOrPngParams Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
GetJpegOrPngX11Params Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
GetlimmaDataSetName Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
GetMenuName Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
GetNEWxlim Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
GetNormalizationMethod Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
GetNumParametersNoTargets Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
getPackageVersion Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
GetParameterizationName Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
GetParameterNames Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
GetParametersAndOrContrasts Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
GetPlotLabels Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
GetPlotSize Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
GetPlotTitle Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
GetReducedDuplicateSpacing Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
GetRNATypesFrom.ContrastsFromDropDowns.String Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
GetSlideNum Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
GetSpotTypesForLinearModel Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
GetSpotTypesIncludedNames Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
GetWtAreaParams Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
GetWtFlagParams Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package

-- H --

HeatDiagramDialog Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
HeatDiagramPlot Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
HowManyDups Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
HTMLplotUsingFunction Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package

-- I --

ImageArrayPlot Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
ImageArrayPlotDialog Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
imageplotlimmaGUI Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
ImportMA Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
ImportMADialog Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
initGlobals Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
InitNewParameterization Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package

-- L --

limmaGUI Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
limmaGUIhelp Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
limmaHelp Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
LogOddsPlot Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package

-- M --

MAPlot Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
MAPlotAvg Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
MBoxPlot Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
MMPlot Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package

-- N --

NewLimmaFile Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
NormalizeHelp Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
NormalizeNow Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
nstrstr Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package

-- O --

onDestroy Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
onExit Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
OpenGALandTargetsandSpotTypesfiles Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
OpenGALFile Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
OpenLimmaFile Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
OpenSpotTypesFile Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
OpenTargetsFile Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package

-- P --

plotMAColorCoded Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
plotMAlimmaGUI Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
PrintTipGroupMAPlot Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package

-- Q --

QQTplot Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package

-- R --

read.marrayTools Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
readGALlimmaGUI Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
ReadImageProcessingFiles Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
Require Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
Resize Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package

-- S --

SaveAsLimmaFile Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
SaveGraphAsJpeg Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
SaveGraphAsPDF Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
SaveGraphAsPNG Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
SaveGraphAsPostscript Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
SaveLimmaFile Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
SelectPlotSymbols Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
SetLayoutParameters Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
SetupPlotKeyBindings Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
SetupPlotMenus Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
SetWD Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
showGAL Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
showTopTable Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
SimplifyContrastsExpression Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
strstr Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package

-- T --

tclArrayVar Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
TclRequire Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
Try Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
TryReadImgProcFile Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package

-- U --

UpdateSpotTypesStatus Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
UpDownOrBoth Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package

-- V --

vennDiagramlimmaGUI Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
VennDiagramPlot Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
ViewDesignOrContrastsMatrixAsPairs Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
ViewDesignOrContrastsMatrixInTable Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
ViewExistingContrastsParameterization Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
ViewExistingParameterization Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
ViewRNATargets Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
ViewSpotTypes Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package

-- W --

WithinBetweenOrBoth Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package
wtflags2 Graphical User Interface for the limma microarray package