Recovery and inconsistency rates

Load libraries

> library(limma)
> library(edgeR)
> library(DESeq2)
> library(baySeq)
> library(RColorBrewer)
> library(VennDiagram)

Load saved DE results

> files <- list.files(path="./Output_using_conservative_filter",
> keep <- grep("genes_removed", files, invert=TRUE)
> files <- files[keep]
> methods <- gsub(".RData", "", strsplit2(files, split="/")[,3])
> for (i in 1:length(files)) {
+   load(files[i])
+   assign(methods[i], table)
+ }

Create sets of reference genes

> cutoff <- 0.05
> reference <- as.list(rep(NA, length(methods)))
> names(reference) <- methods
> for (m in methods) {
+   this.reference <- get(m)[["100vs000"]]
+   this.reference <- this.reference$GeneID[this.reference$FDR<cutoff]
+   reference[[m]] <- this.reference
+ } 

Calculate recovery and inconsistency rates

> comparisons <- c("100vs000", "075vs025", "050vs025", "075vs050", "100vs000.D", "075vs025.D", "050vs025.D", "075vs050.D")
> recovery <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(comparisons), ncol=length(methods))
> rownames(recovery) <- comparisons
> colnames(recovery) <- methods
> inconsistency <- truepositives <- falsediscoveries <- recovery
> for (m in methods) {
+   this.reference <- reference[[m]]
+   for (c in comparisons) {
+       results <- get(m)[[c]]
+       results.detected <- results$GeneID[results$FDR<cutoff]
+       tp <- sum(results.detected %in% this.reference)
+       recovery[c,m] <- tp/length(this.reference)
+       nd <- length(results.detected)
+       fd <- sum(!results.detected %in% this.reference)
+       if (nd==0) {
+         inconsistency[c,m] <- 0
+       } else {
+         inconsistency[c,m] <- fd/nd  
+       }
+       falsediscoveries[c,m] <- fd
+       truepositives[c,m] <- tp    
+   }
+ } 
> recovery
           bayseq_nb bayseq_norm deseq2 edger_classic edger_glm voom_qw   voom
100vs000      1.0000       1.000   1.00         1.000     1.000    1.00 1.0000
075vs025      0.5972       0.554   0.78         0.781     0.779    0.80 0.7822
050vs025      0.0921       0.000   0.37         0.299     0.297    0.37 0.2804
075vs050      0.1075       0.000   0.39         0.343     0.339    0.34 0.3169
100vs000.D    0.6842       0.983   0.81         0.779     0.782    0.82 0.7670
075vs025.D    0.1883       0.449   0.45         0.377     0.384    0.55 0.3546
050vs025.D    0.0055       0.091   0.14         0.038     0.039    0.13 0.0000
075vs050.D    0.0071       0.001   0.15         0.036     0.036    0.11 0.0063
> inconsistency
           bayseq_nb bayseq_norm  deseq2 edger_classic edger_glm voom_qw   voom
100vs000     0.00000        0.00 0.00000        0.0000    0.0000  0.0000 0.0000
075vs025     0.00443        0.19 0.01073        0.0129    0.0111  0.0221 0.0177
050vs025     0.00000        0.00 0.00000        0.0012    0.0006  0.0039 0.0022
075vs050     0.00000        0.00 0.00047        0.0023    0.0013  0.0017 0.0019
100vs000.D   0.00480        0.40 0.01064        0.0058    0.0057  0.0117 0.0067
075vs025.D   0.00049        0.20 0.00243        0.0021    0.0016  0.0136 0.0022
050vs025.D   0.00000        0.15 0.00000        0.0000    0.0000  0.0032 0.0000
075vs050.D   0.00000        0.33 0.00000        0.0025    0.0024  0.0015 0.0000
> falsediscoveries
           bayseq_nb bayseq_norm deseq2 edger_classic edger_glm voom_qw voom
100vs000           0           0      0             0         0       0    0
075vs025          29         251     93           115        99     222  160
050vs025           0           0      0             4         2      18    7
075vs050           0           0      2             9         5       7    7
100vs000.D        36        1249     96            51        51     119   59
075vs025.D         1         217     12             9         7      94    9
050vs025.D         0          31      0             0         0       5    0
075vs050.D         0           1      0             1         1       2    0
> truepositives
           bayseq_nb bayseq_norm deseq2 edger_classic edger_glm voom_qw  voom
100vs000       10907        1947  10985         11269     11296   12263 11375
075vs025        6514        1079   8573          8802      8798    9813  8898
050vs025        1004           0   4097          3371      3355    4548  3189
075vs050        1173           0   4234          3866      3834    4201  3605
100vs000.D      7463        1913   8926          8776      8833   10089  8725
075vs025.D      2054         875   4931          4253      4337    6802  4034
050vs025.D        60         177   1581           432       445    1548     0
075vs050.D        77           2   1677           403       410    1335    72
> totaldetected <- falsediscoveries + truepositives
> totaldetected
           bayseq_nb bayseq_norm deseq2 edger_classic edger_glm voom_qw  voom
100vs000       10907        1947  10985         11269     11296   12263 11375
075vs025        6543        1330   8666          8917      8897   10035  9058
050vs025        1004           0   4097          3375      3357    4566  3196
075vs050        1173           0   4236          3875      3839    4208  3612
100vs000.D      7499        3162   9022          8827      8884   10208  8784
075vs025.D      2055        1092   4943          4262      4344    6896  4043
050vs025.D        60         208   1581           432       445    1553     0
075vs050.D        77           3   1677           404       411    1337    72

Plot of recovery rates

> name.methods <- 
+   c("baySeq", "baySeq-norm", "DESeq2", "edgeR-classic", "edgeR-glm", "voom-qw", "voom")
> names(name.methods) <- methods
> name.methods
      bayseq_nb     bayseq_norm          deseq2   edger_classic       edger_glm         voom_qw 
       "baySeq"   "baySeq-norm"        "DESeq2" "edgeR-classic"     "edgeR-glm"       "voom-qw" 
> name.comparisons <- gsub(".D", "d", comparisons)
> name.comparisons
[1] "100vs000"  "075vs025"  "050vs025"  "075vs050"  "100vs000d" "075vs025d" "050vs025d" "075vs050d"
> col <- brewer.pal(length(methods)+3, "Paired")
> col <- col[c(1,2,9,4,3,5,6)]
> names(col) <- methods
> lty <- c(1,1,1,1,3,2,2) 
> par(mfrow=c(1,2))
> par(mar=c(6,5,2,0))
> matplot(recovery[1:4,], main=" ",
+   type="l", lty=lty, lwd=2, col=col, 
+   ylim=c(0,1), ylab="", xaxt="n", yaxt="n")
> title(ylab="Recovery rate", line=3.5)
> axis(1, at=1:4, name.comparisons[1:4], tick=FALSE, las=2, font=1)
> axis(2, at=c(0,0.25,0.5,0.75,1), paste0(100*c(0,0.25,0.5,0.75,1), "%"), las=1)
> par(mar=c(6,3,2,2))
> matplot(recovery[5:8,], main=" ",
+   type="l", lty=lty, lwd=2, col=col,
+   ylim=c(0,1), ylab="", xaxt="n", yaxt="n")
> axis(1, at=1:4, name.comparisons[5:8], tick=FALSE, las=2, font=1)
> legend("topright", text.col=col, col=col, lty=lty, legend=name.methods, cex=0.7, bty="n")

Overlap in reference genes

> reference.all <- unique(unlist(reference))
> names <- c("bayseq_nb", "deseq2", "edger_glm", "voom_qw")
> venncounts <- matrix(0, nrow=length(reference.all), ncol=length(names))
> colnames(venncounts) <- names
> for (i in names) venncounts[,i] <- as.numeric(reference.all %in% reference[[i]])
> venn.plot <- draw.quad.venn(
+   area1 = sum(venncounts[,1]),
+   area2 = sum(venncounts[,2]),
+   area3 = sum(venncounts[,3]),
+   area4 = sum(venncounts[,4]),
+   n12 = sum(venncounts[,1]==1 & venncounts[,2]==1),
+   n13 = sum(venncounts[,1]==1 & venncounts[,3]==1),
+   n14 = sum(venncounts[,1]==1 & venncounts[,4]==1),
+   n23 = sum(venncounts[,2]==1 & venncounts[,3]==1),
+   n24 = sum(venncounts[,2]==1 & venncounts[,4]==1),
+   n34 = sum(venncounts[,3]==1 & venncounts[,4]==1),
+   n123 = sum(venncounts[,1]==1 & venncounts[,2]==1 & venncounts[,3]==1),
+   n124 = sum(venncounts[,1]==1 & venncounts[,2]==1 & venncounts[,4]==1),
+   n134 = sum(venncounts[,1]==1 & venncounts[,3]==1 & venncounts[,4]==1),
+   n234 = sum(venncounts[,2]==1 & venncounts[,3]==1 & venncounts[,4]==1),
+   n1234 = sum(rowSums(venncounts)==4),
+   category=name.methods[names], fill=col[names], lty=1, cex=2, cat.cex=2, cat.col="black"
+ )

Predicted and estimated logFCs

> load("./Output/fitmixture_concentrations.RData")
> for (i in 1:length(deseq2)) colnames(deseq2[[i]])[colnames(deseq2[[i]])=="log2FoldChange"] <- "logFC"
> par(mfrow=c(4,4))
> par(mar=c(4,4,0,0))
> for (i in c("100vs000","100vs000.D","075vs050","075vs050.D")) {
+   if (i %in% c("100vs000", "100vs000.D")) xmax <- 10
+   if (i %in% c("075vs050", "075vs050.D")) xmax <- 1
+   conc <- strsplit2(i, split="vs")
+   conc <- as.numeric(gsub(".D", "", conc))
+   p <- conc[1]/100
+   q <- conc[2]/100
+   logfc.adjusted <- log2(p*c12+(1-p)*c22)-log2(q*c12+(1-q)*c22)  
+   for (m in c("deseq2", "edger_glm", "voom_qw", "voom")) {
+     table <- get(m)[[i]]
+     mm <- match(table$GeneID, names(logfc.adjusted))
+     logfc.adjusted2 <- logfc.adjusted[mm]
+     n <- nrow(table)
+     dev <- table$logFC-logfc.adjusted2
+     rmse <- sqrt(sum(dev^2)/(n-1))
+     smoothScatter(table$logFC, logfc.adjusted2, ylab="", xlab="", xlim=c(-xmax, xmax), ylim=c(-xmax, xmax), las=2)
+     legend("topleft", legend=paste0("RMSE=", round(rmse, 4)), pch="", bty="n", cex=1.2)
+     abline(0,1, col="red")
+   }
+ }

Session time and information

Total run time for this report: 0.24 minutes 
> sessionInfo()
R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0 (64-bit)
Running under: OS X 10.11.3 (El Capitan)

[1] en_AU.UTF-8/en_AU.UTF-8/en_AU.UTF-8/C/en_AU.UTF-8/en_AU.UTF-8

attached base packages:
 [1] grid      parallel  stats4    stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
 [1] VennDiagram_1.6.17         futile.logger_1.4.1        RColorBrewer_1.1-2        
 [4] baySeq_2.6.0               perm_1.0-0.0               abind_1.4-5               
 [7] DESeq2_1.12.3              SummarizedExperiment_1.2.3 Biobase_2.32.0            
[10] GenomicRanges_1.24.2       GenomeInfoDb_1.8.1         IRanges_2.6.1             
[13] S4Vectors_0.10.1           BiocGenerics_0.18.0        edgeR_3.14.0              
[16] limma_3.28.14             

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] genefilter_1.54.2    locfit_1.5-9.1       splines_3.3.1        lattice_0.20-33     
 [5] colorspace_1.2-6     htmltools_0.3.5      yaml_2.1.13          chron_2.3-47        
 [9] survival_2.39-5      XML_3.98-1.4         foreign_0.8-66       DBI_0.4-1           
[13] BiocParallel_1.6.2   lambda.r_1.1.7       plyr_1.8.4           stringr_1.0.0       
[17] zlibbioc_1.18.0      munsell_0.4.3        gtable_0.2.0         evaluate_0.9        
[21] latticeExtra_0.6-28  knitr_1.13           geneplotter_1.50.0   AnnotationDbi_1.34.3
[25] Rcpp_0.12.5          KernSmooth_2.23-15   acepack_1.3-3.3      xtable_1.8-2        
[29] scales_0.4.0         formatR_1.4          Hmisc_3.17-4         annotate_1.50.0     
[33] XVector_0.12.0       gridExtra_2.2.1      ggplot2_2.1.0        digest_0.6.9        
[37] stringi_1.1.1        tools_3.3.1          magrittr_1.5         RSQLite_1.0.0       
[41] Formula_1.2-1        cluster_2.0.4        futile.options_1.0.0 Matrix_1.2-6        
[45] data.table_1.9.6     rmarkdown_1.0        rpart_4.1-10         nnet_7.3-12