Bioinformatics Seminars

Bioinformatics Seminar

Time: 11AM
Venue: Davis Auditorium and Online

4 June 2024

Bioinformatics in a core facility

Peter Hickey
WEHI Advanced Technology and Biology

The Projects Team in the WEHI Advanced Genomics Facility, born out of the Single Cell Open Research Endeavour (SCORE), has worked on nearly 200 projects over the last 6 years using single-cell 'omics, high-throughput transcriptomics, and spatial transcriptomics technologies. We are what's often known as a 'core facility' or a support service, and our role is designing, performing, and analysing these experiments to enable WEHI and external scientists to advance their research with these cutting edge technologies. In this seminar, I will introduce our team, the current and upcoming omics technologies that we offer, and the bioinformatics work we do. I'll present case studies to highlight some of the bioinformatics and analysis challenges we face (and successes) as a team working with such a diverse range of technologies, sample types, and collaborators. If there's a way for an experiment to go off the rails, we've probably seen it, and here I'll try pull back the curtain on some of this unglamorous but enjoyable work we do to put things back on the rails (or to figure out where and how the rails went missing).

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