Bioinformatics Seminars

Bioinformatics Seminar

Venue: Na

8 May 2018


Designing a biological database for deep mutational scanning

Alan Rubin
WEHI Bioinformatics

Deep mutational scanning is a widely-used method for multiplex measurement of the functional consequences of protein variants ; greatly enhancing our ability to probe sequence-function relationships. Deep mutational scanning has many applications ; including understanding protein evolution ; exploring protein structure ; improving protein function ; and comprehensive interpretation of variants found in disease-related proteins. Despite its growing popularity ; there is no central repository for deep mutational scanning datasets and much of the raw and processed data is either unavailable or in non-machine readable formats. To help experimenters and data modellers overcome these challenges ; we have developed MAVEDB ; a central repository for processed data ; associated metadata ; and linked raw data using a standardized and searchable format.

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